Are you curious as to which deadlift is “better”–deadlift Smith machine vs. the standard barbell deadlift? This post reveals the most notable differences between the two as well as which variation you should choose.

The Smith machine (specifically the Smith machine deadlift in this case) sometimes gets a bad rap. While they are great for some exercises, they aren’t necessarily set up the best for others.
The big question is, is the deadlift one of them? Keep scrolling to learn more about the standard deadlift vs. the Smith machine deadlift!
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The Smith machine deadlift: should you do them?
What we’ll cover…
- What is a Smith machine deadlift?
- What is a free weight deadlift?
- The main differences:
- Smith machine deadlift benefits
- Other deadlift tips
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What is a Smith machine deadlift?

The Smith machine deadlift exercise is exactly as it sounds–a deadlift performed inside a Smith machine.
The Smith machine is a common piece of equipment that you’ll find in most gyms. It looks similar to a squat rack except the bar is actually attached to the machine, and it moves up and down a fixed path.
Reasons for the Smith machine

The Smith machine was invented by Jack LaLanne in the 1950s. He wanted to create a piece of equipment that would make barbell training safe when lifting alone.
As you’ve most likely noticed, the Smith machine has small safety bars all the way up and down the piece of equipment. The bar itself has attached safety hooks which are meant to be set on the safety bars whenever necessary.
So, for instance, if you’re squatting and can’t get the weight up, you can simply rotate the bar so that the hooks caught on the safety bars. It’s essentially a form of self-spotting.
Sometimes I see individuals deadlifting inside the Smith machine, but I more commonly see Smith machine squat, bench press, and shoulder press performed within them. This is because those listed exercises require a spotter more often than the deadlift does.
What is a standard barbell deadlift?

Standard barbell deadlifts are usually carried out on the floor or on a special platform meant for deadlifts.
The standard barbell deadlift is one of the main three lifts in the sport of powerlifting, but it’s performed by many individuals regardless of their goals, as it is a fantastic compound exercise that builds total body strength.
Having a strong deadlift also helps with everyday activities (i.e., functional strength) such as lifting objects up off the ground.
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CAP Barbell
Deadlift in the comfort of your own home with these weight plates by AMGYM!
Difference #1:
The Smith machine has a fixed bar path

As I briefly mentioned above, Smith machines have a fixed bar path. This is important for several reasons: first, different Smith machines tend to have different bar paths; some are straight up and down while others are at an angle.
It is best if the Smith machine bar path is straight up and down because that mimics the bar path of a (good quality) deadlift as you can see in the image above.
If the bar path is angled, deadlift Smith machine form can lead to unnecessary hip extension at the top of the lift, and the movement itself can feel quite unnatural.
Difference #2:
The Smith machine plates don’t touch the ground

As you’ve probably noticed, performing the deadlift in a Smith machine means a compromised range of motion; the plates don’t touch the ground as they would during standard deadlift form.
Because of this, deadlifting in a Smith machine means you won’t be building power off the floor. And for this reason (or because of all three of these reasons for that matter), the lift isn’t up to powerlifting standards.
Although, for a variation such as the Romanian deadlift (RDL), this factor doesn’t really matter. If the bar path is straight up and down, this piece of equipment can be perfect for Romanian deadlift smith machine.
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Difference #3:
Smith machine deadlifts are technically “easier”

Any compound lift done on a Smith machine is easier. Here’s why: the Smith machine bars are typically 25 pounds–which is 20 pounds less than a standard barbell. And as we just discussed above, the plates on the Smith machine don’t touch the floor.
This makes the lift easier because, unlike a standard deadlift, you don’t have to move the weight as far. In addition, since the bar is attached to the machine, you don’t have to use as many stabilizer muscles to successfully lift the weight. This ultimately makes the Smith machine deadlift much less effective in terms of building overall strength and power.
And since the weight is already stabilized for you, you may find that you can lift more weight than you could with a regular barbell. Because of all these reasons, a deadlift on a Smith machine vs. free weight is technically easier.
*The good news is, that one of these issues can be minimized by standing on a plate or two. Standing on a plate(s) would elevate you so that the deadlift better mimics the standard barbell deadlift in terms of pulling off the floor. Though, this is really only possible for conventional deadlifts.
Smith machine deadlift benefits
Despite everything discussed above, there are three huge Smith machine deadlift benefits:
- Good for beginners
- I would say Smith machine deadlifts are good for beginners ONLY if the bar path is straight up and down. Having that fixed path teaches beginners what a good quality deadlift bar path is supposed to feel like.
- Great for people with injuries or those with limited mobility
- If an individual can’t get their hips low enough due to a stiff posterior chain or lower body, they’ll have a difficult time getting into an ideal pulling position. The Smith machine minimizes this issue because you are able to set the ROM however it is most comfortable. The limited ROM is also great for those recovering from an injury.
- Builds muscle and strength
- Maybe not to the same extent as standard deadlifts, but Smith machine deadlifts DO build muscle and strength. Conventional deadlifts in a Smith machine will help improve your posterior chain strength. This is great because untrained individuals’ posterior chains are typically weak due to limited use in our everyday lives.
So, are smith machine deadlifts effective? Yes, they can be!
Other deadlift tips
- Try using deadlift straps or chalk if you notice your grip slips a lot
- DO NOT squat your deadlifts
- Deadlifts are a hinge movement–keep your hips high
- The barbell should slide up your shins as you pull
- Starting with the barbell too far away from you will cause unnecessary rounding of your lumbar spine
- Avoid hyperextension of your back at the top of the lift
- Think about pulling your hips to the bar–not the bar to your hips
- Always keep your chest up and your shoulders back
- To get the most out of your deadlifts, be sure to let the plates come to a complete stop before pulling again
- Don’t let the plates bounce between reps
- Avoid wearing sneakers when you deadlift!
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The takeaway
In all, whether you deadlift on a Smith machine or with a standard barbell is really up to you and your goals as an individual. If you’re young, healthy (injury free), and trying to gain some serious strength, the standard barbell deadlift is definitely the way to go.
The standard deadlift has more bang for your buck–it recruits far more stabilizer muscles, and it has a greater ROM which means building better quality strength.
However, if you’re injured, have mobility issues, or don’t really care about building the greatest amount of strength possible, you can opt to deadlift in a Smith machine. It’s better than doing no exercise at all.
Just keep in mind that the Smith machine can be AWESOME for certain variations such as Romanian deadlifts, but as far as normal deadlifts–the standard barbell movement has much more to offer.