Are you looking for FREE health and fitness printables? If so, we have you covered!
Here you can find links to all our free printables, all of which can be downloaded in PDF format. Additional printables are made available weekly!
The Barbell Way tries to think about ways in which we can be as helpful as possible by imagining what would be useful in our own lives, and then we incorporate those ideas into cute and colorful printable format.
Whether your goals be losing weight, gaining muscle, powerlifting, or all of the above, there is surely something you'll like! Enjoy!
(All printables will download in higher quality than how they show up on this page.)
Kilo Conversion Chart

Meet Checklist

Measurement Tracker

Calorie Tracker

Gym Bag Checklist

Workout Planner

Health Habits Tracker

Strength Training Log

Meal Planning Resources