Below is a handy powerlifting kilo conversion chart that will aid you in translating pounds to kilos. It is completely free to download!

Hey fellow powerlifters! Our powerlifting conversion chart starts at 55 pounds and goes up to 733 pounds.
We hope this chart is of benefit to you if you train in kilograms, or if you need some conversion assistance during an upcoming powerlifting meet!
This post includes a lbs to kg conversion printable chart apf kilo chart available for download in PDF form.
Free powerlifting kilo chart:
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KG to LBS Chart PDF (FREE download)
If you happen to live in the United States, you’ll know that powerlifting kilo conversion charts are especially important if you train with calibrated plates or plan on competing in a powerlifting meet; powerlifting meets always run in kgs.
One kilogram is equal to 2.205 pounds which can make things more than confusing when lifting in kilos.
I’m an expert in plate math when I’m thinking in pounds, but once I begin thinking in kilos I definitely need some assistance.
That’s where this chart becomes a lifesaver.
You can download and print out this chart for FREE by clicking on the “click to download” button!
If you’re looking for an even larger chart that goes over 1,000 pounds, USA Powerlifting has an awesome kilo conversion chart on their website, too! This chart is a suitable one for any federation including a APF kilo chart and USPA kilo chart.
Let us know what you think of this chart in the comment section below.
Happy lifting!