Hey you! Let me tell you, having a strong lower back is SO important for absolutely everyone! Below you'll find five awesome lower back exercises for strength.

lower back exercises for strength

Unfortunately, our lower backs often get forgotten when it comes to strength training. However, there are a plethora of benefits that are accompanied by having a strong lower back (we'll discuss those benefits in detail below).

In addition to benefits, keep reading to discover five awesome lower back workouts for strength training that are great for people of any experience level! 

What we'll cover...

After reading this post, don't forget to check out...

6 of the BEST Exercises for Strength Training

6 Things You NEED to Know About Working Out at Home for Beginners

7 Awesome Tips You MUST Know for Strength Training to Lose Weight

*Note: This post includes several Amazon affiliate links, which means I'll receive a commission if you purchase through my link (at no extra cost to you). Please read full disclosure here. Also, I am not a doctor or dietician. I am a personal trainer. It's always best to speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet and/or lifestyle.

Your lower back and its importance

lower back exercises for strength training

Essentially, your lower back muscles protect the rest of your body. If you have a weak lower back, you may experience pain in places such as your hips or legs. Your lower back muscles are responsible for stabilizing your spine, and they play a vital role in our postures. Therefore, it's extremely important to keep your back healthy and strong.

3 HUGE benefits of having a strong lower back

lower back workouts for strength

1. It can prevent back pain & injury

As touched on above, strengthening your low back muscles can do wonders for preventing AND eliminating back pain. I've had personal training clients who have come to me with low back pain, and after using lower back exercises for strengthening, the pain almost always reduces or goes away completely. In addition, it's a good idea to focus on core strengthening exercises for lower back pain as well.

You can strengthen your back and core by doing yoga, weight lifting, or other exercises that target those specific muscles. Be sure to keep reading to discover my favorite low back exercises!

2. Every day life will become easier

Have you ever bent over to pick up something off the floor (such as a box) and experienced pain following the action? If you have a strong back, you're much less likely to experience back pain while doing routine chores around your home.

It's important to note that after incorporating low back exercises into your routine, running, walking, and lifting things around your home will become much less painful. Basically, everyday activities as well as intentional exercise will become easier (and who doesn't want that?!).

3. It can improve your posture

Many peoples' postures are compromised due to careers that involve sitting for hours on end. Inactive teenagers and adults who spend hours playing video games, for example, tend to have poor postures also. However, by strengthening our low backs and core muscles, our postures can be greatly improved or even completely corrected. Having a good posture is important because it can

  • reduce back pain
  • increase energy levels
  • increase confidence

Top 5 lower back exercises for strength:

lower back exercises gym

*These exercises are listed in no particular order.

Exercise 1: barbell deadlifts

I might be biased, but deadlifts are my FAVORITE exercise ever–these are by far one of the best lower back exercises gym. As long as you know how to properly perform this exercise, deadlifts are an awesome full body compound movement.

Like stated previously, deadlifts are amazing for building your lower back muscles which will, in turn, cause you to experience the above benefits that go along with having a strong lower back. In addition, deadlifts help build your core muscles. Your core is defined as the central part of your body; it includes the muscles that help move, support, and stabilize your spine. All around, the barbell conventional deadlift is an incredible choice if you want to strengthen your lower back and posterior chain, prevent injury, and improve posture.

Exercise 2: hyperextensions

Like deadlifts, hyperextensions help strengthen your entire posterior chain: upper back, lower back, glutes, and hamstrings. This is ideal because most people have a weak posterior chain, as those muscles are not often used in everyday life. Hyperextensions are relatively easy to learn, so I think it's a GREAT beginner exercise–but honestly, they're an awesome choice for individuals of any experience level. They one of the best lower back exercises gym equipment. 

Exercise 3: superman

Superman is probably the most simple lower back workout on this list. And the best part is that this exercise doesn't require any equipment; you can do superman in the comfort of your own home. Like the others on this list, it doesn't only target your low back. It builds your upper back, lower back, shoulders, glutes, hamstrings, and core muscles. Overall, doing superman is a simple but effective way to reduce back pain and help improve posture. Check out this article by Healthline to see some other great body weight variations of superman that you try at home.

Exercise 4: barbell good mornings

I don't know if you can tell, but I absolutely LOVE barbell exercises. After all, this blog is called 'The Barbell Way.' Good mornings can also be done with dumbbells or even with your own body weight if you wish. But regardless of the variation, these are great for strengthening your posterior chain and low back. If you decide to do good mornings with a barbell, I would begin with the empty bar before adding any weight. It's not an exercise that you go heavy with. You can also use a lifting belt if you would like to. 

Exercise 5: kettlebell swings

Kettlebell swings are another one of my favorite lower back weight exercises. They are one of the best lower back exercises at home (as long as you have access to a kettlebell). Kettlebell swings are a killer full body exercise; they target your quads, glutes, hamstrings, core, and deltoids. These are awesome for athletes or even just for beginners who are looking to gain functional strength

The takeaway

We hope you liked this list of the best lower back exercises gym! Let us know if you tried any of these and what your thoughts are.

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