Keep scrolling to find the BEST tips to lose weight and build muscle!

tips to lose weight

Weight loss: it can be so hard to get right. Trust me. I've been there.

However, below I share five incredible tips regarding how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently. And don't worry. I'm not trying to sell you any sketchy weight loss products or plans because, to put it simply, THEY DON'T WORK.

Everything I share below is proven to work long-term. Just remember–if I could do it, you absolutely can too!

5 game-changing tips to lose weight:

What we'll cover...

After reading this post, don't forget to check out...

10 Amazing High-Protein Snacks on Amazon for Weight Loss

What Is a Calorie Deficit and Why Is It Important For Losing Weight?

6 Things You NEED to Know About Working Out at Home for Beginners

*Note: This post includes several Amazon affiliate links, which means I'll receive a commission if you purchase through my link (at no extra cost to you). Please read full disclosure here. Also, I am not a doctor or dietician. I am a personal trainer. It's always best to speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet and/or lifestyle.

The science behind weight loss

how to lose belly fat

To keep it simple, weight loss has everything to do with a calorie deficit. You've probably heard of the phrase "calorie deficit" before, but you may or may not be familiar with all of the details surrounding one. 

So, here's everything you should know about a calorie deficit and its importance for fat loss.

Being in a calorie deficit refers to an individual consuming fewer calories than he/she burns throughout the day. Usually a 300 to 500 calorie deficit is optimal for fat loss.

Basal metabolic rate (BMR) is the amount of calories your body burns doing its basic daily functions (e.g., digesting food and sleeping). Active calories refer to those you burn during intentional exercise (e.g., walking and lifting weights).

Together, BMR and active calories make up your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). The amount of calories you eat during the day when losing weight should be based on your TDEE.

So for example, if my TDEE is 2,300 calories, I would consume around 1,800 to 2,000 calories for fat loss because that would put me in a 300 to 500 calorie deficit.

Keep in mind that you should NEVER eat less than 1,500 calories per day or undergo extreme ways to lose weight. Under eating is never the answer–it almost always results in binge eating and/or yo-yo dieting.

If you find your basal metabolic rate is already very low due to previous dieting efforts, you may want to look into a reverse diet. Reverse dieting was scary at first, but it truly changed my life. I was able to eat 2,500+ calories while still losing body fat:

tips to lose weight in 30 days

Here is my reverse dieting progress; I went from being 172lbs and eating 1,600 calories a day to being 165 pounds and eating over 2,400 calories daily! I'm telling you–it was a game-changer!

For more in-depth information about reverse dieting, visit this awesome article by Precision Nutrition.

Watch out for fad diets

how to lose weight fast naturally and permanently

Unfortunately, fad diets and products are EVERYWHERE, and you have to watch out for them.

The evil in fad diet products & plans

Fad products exist because they make somebody a profit–they're not effective, and some of the products are actually harmful to your health.

In short, they are meant to take your money and leave you with no real, long-term results.

I say "no real, long-term results" instead of "no results" because some diet plans such as juice cleanses and other extreme weight loss methods will allow you to lose fat FAST right away. In fact, they may be the fastest way to lose weight for woman, BUT it's unhealthy and not necessary. It'll also be nearly impossible to keep the weight off in the long run. Data shows that gaining all of the weight back after a fad diet is very likely.  

And to make matters worse, your success turned to failure is all part of the company's plan.

After losing weight and gaining it back, companies are hopeful that individuals will continue spending money on their product(s) because they know just how desperate many people are to lose weight. It's a vicious cycle. 

That's why a sustainable lifestyle change is ABSOLUTELY necessary when pursing long-term weight loss. 

With all this in mind, you should be very careful before purchasing any diet product or plan that seems too good to be true. Always do your research before making any diet-related purchases.

The best weight loss tips

Now for what you've all been waiting for: the 5 best diet tips about how to lose weight at home! AND best of all–these tips are the key to how to lose weight naturally.

1. Protein & fiber are your best friends!

how to lose weight naturally

Protein and fiber don't get enough credit when it comes to fat loss. Seriously, they're like a cheat code. 

Fiber and protein have so much value because they are satiating–they make us feel full, and they can reduce our appetites. 

So, if you eat a high fiber and high protein diet, you'll be more likely to consume fewer calories throughout the day. And as we know, this is crucial for weight loss.

Below I'll provide some general guidelines for optimal protein and fiber consumption. As always, speak to your doctor before making any changes to your diet and/or lifestyle. 

Women & protein:

0.5 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily (low end for sedentary individuals and high end for active individuals)

Women & fiber:

25 grams daily 

Men & protein:

0.75 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily (low end for sedentary individuals and high end for active individuals)

Men & fiber:

38 grams daily 

I recommend using an app called MyFitnessPal to see exactly how much protein and fiber you're eating daily. I have been using the app for years, and I swear by it!

Also, here's a great list of high protein foods as well as a list of high fiber foods to set you on the right path! In addition, I have a post going over some of the best protein powders that you should definitely check out. Using protein powder is an awesome way to make reaching your daily protein goal much easier.

2. A calorie deficit is the ONLY way

We briefly went over calorie deficits earlier in this post, but I thought I should reiterate the fact that a calorie deficit is the only way to achieve fat loss. 

Drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or taking diet pills everyday will not be the solution to your problems. 

Think about it–if it were that simple, nobody would be overweight. You just need to stay consistent and disciplined. That's the hardest part.

Although, you should expect setbacks and know that you'll mess up sometimes. It happens, but it certainly shouldn't be the reason to end your health journey. 

3. Know the benefits of strength training for fat loss

how to lose weight in 7 days

I could go ON AND ON about the benefits of strength training for fat loss. After all, I owe my long-term successes to those very benefits. 

The first major benefit is that building muscle will allow you to burn more and more calories over time. Basically, the more muscle you have, the higher your BMR will be because muscle tissues burn more calories than fat tissues do.

For this reason, I see strength training as just as valuable, if not MORE valuable, than cardio for fat loss. (Cardio is important for a healthy heart, but also know that certain types of strength training can improve cardiovascular fitness).

Keep in mind that cardio will not tone you. It won't shape your figure in any way. Strength training, though, will do all of those things plus more! 

Resistance training...

  • Makes you stronger
  • Helps you develop stronger bones
  • Helps you manage your weight
  • Makes you burn more calories just by living (increases BMR)
  • Decreases overall body fat percentage
  • Can make you look leaner and "fitter"
  • Lowers your risk of injury
  • Improves cardiovascular health
  • Boosts your mood (can help to improve your mental health)
  • AND promotes better quality of life

As you can see, there's really no losing with strength training. I have TONS of posts going over strength training for women, so if that's something that interests you, be sure to check them out!

Also, for more information about these particular strength training benefits, visit this article by Healthline.

4. Find small ways to be more active in everyday life

This one may not seem all that important, but believe me, it really does go a long way. Any activity is better than none at all.

As an example, imagine you have a super long driveway that, when you go to get the mail, you always end up taking a car. Try walking or biking the driveway instead. Or, maybe you always take the elevator at work–try using the stairs next time. And instead of parking in the closest spot at the grocery store, pick the furthest spot to maximize your steps. 

This is also a great option for how to lose weight at home if that's something you're looking for. Try to get more steps in throughout the day instead of going to a gym and hopping on a treadmill.

You may have to get creative, but it's these little things that make the biggest difference. Seriously. 

5. Water: drink enough of it!

Similar to protein and fiber, water will make you feel full. This means your appetite will be reduced, possibly leading to less calories consumed throughout the day. Plus, most of us need to drink more water anyways.

And believe it or not, drinking lots of water will boost your metabolism (WebMD). So many wins–amirite?! 

Also, if you're a person who likes to workout, being dehydrated can SIGNIFICANTLY reduce your performance and the quality of your workout sessions. I can confirm this from my own experience. 

But all right. I know what you're thinking: "Maddie, water is great and all, but I really with drinking tons of water all by itself." Don't fret–I have a solution! I personally love to add Crystal Light flavor packets to spice up my H2O.

Overall, staying hydrated is a must when losing weight. It's something that can be easily overlooked, but it's really SO important. 

The Takeaway

The "keys" to weight loss may seem simple and straightforward, but they're proven to work (and be safe) in the long-term! Eat your protein and fiber, learn all about calorie deficits, know that strength training is your BEST friend, get creative with ways to become more active in your everyday life, and last but not least, drink tons of water!

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