Keep scrolling to discover 9 AWESOME strength training equipment for home that will surely spice up your home gym!

strength training equipment for home

Hey friends! Looking to start working out at home? Or to add to your current collection of exercise equipment? If so, we have exactly what you're looking for: the best strength training equipment list!

Here is some of the BEST strength training equipment for home.

Our top strength training equipment for home:

What we'll cover...

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*Note: This post includes several Amazon affiliate links, which means I'll receive a commission if you purchase through my link (at no extra cost to you). Please read full disclosure here. Also, I am not a doctor or dietician. I am a personal trainer. It's always best to speak with your doctor before making any changes to your diet and/or lifestyle.

What exactly to look for in home exercise equipment

home gym equipment

1. Variety

It's crucial to have several types of equipment in order to make the most progress possible. It's easy to plateau when you do the same exact thing over and over again. Free weights on their own go a very long way, but you may also want to purchase a few resistance bands for additional variety. 

Keep in mind that it's always a good idea to combine both cardio AND strength training, so for example, you may want a jump rope and a rack of dumbbells to fulfill both categories. 

2. Something that fits your goals & experience level

Always be mindful of your goals when purchasing exercise equipment. What is it you want from exercising? Toning up? Losing fat? Gaining strength? Your individual goals will largely influence what equipment is best for you.

If you're completely new to resistance training, you may be better off with a few free weights and bands. However, if you have experience and know that you absolutely enjoy lifting weights, you may be better off investing in machines, racks, and/or barbells and plates.

It's also possible that you're training (or interested in training) for a strength sport such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, CrossFit, or strongman. You'll want to keep in mind that specific sport and what equipment is necessary for it.

3. Something that interests you (AKA something you'll actually use)

How many people in your life have treadmills sitting in their basements collecting dust? I would have to guess several. Learn from those people: you don't want to spend money on something you'll never use or benefit from! So, make sure whatever you buy is FUN (at least to some extent). 

If you can't stand the monotony of walking on a treadmill, maybe you'll benefit from resistance training instead–EVEN if your goal is weight loss. Believe it or not, resistance training is an amazing option when your goal is to lose fat; it burns calories and increases your metabolic rate over time.

4. Consider your space

If you have lots of space for equipment, you'll have lots of options in terms of equipment choices. However, if you have limited space, you'll be a little more limited with your options. You may benefit more from adjustable dumbbells, resistance bands, a smart workout mirror, a jump rope, or other things that take up minimal space. 

The best all-in-one home gym:

Body-Solid G9S Two-Stack Gym

If you're searching for the perfect all-in-one piece of home gym equipment, this Body-Solid G9S Two-Stack Gym is an awesome option for you! This is the one of the BEST strength training machines for home!

The best overall weight lifting equipment for home:

PLKOW Equipment Rack

This equipment rack by PLKOW is great for storing all your home gym accessories in one place.

Kettle GRYP

Instead of purchasing dumbbells AND kettlebells, you may want to consider snagging this life-changing (and money-saving) Kettle GRYP! This simple gadget conveniently turns your free weights into kettlebells.

BUXANO Adjustable Dumbbells

BUXANO adjustable dumbbells are an awesome investment because they allow you to continue progressing as you become stronger; they progress with you.

The best home exercise equipment for beginners:

Sportneer Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are a MUST-HAVE in your home gym! They're a cheap way to add lots of variety into your workout routine. Sportneer resistance bands are also very beginner-friendly.

HolaHatha Dumbbell Set

If you're a beginner and aren't quite ready to invest in adjustable dumbbells, check out this standard dumbbell set by HolaHatha. It offers a variety of weights which are perfect for a variety of full-body workouts. 

The best home exercise equipment for weight loss:

FITURE Smart Workout Mirror

This FITURE Smart Workout Mirror is awesome for weight loss if you're unsure of where to begin in terms of working out. It doesn't take up much space, the classes are easy to follow, and most importantly–the workouts are effective!

Smart Weighted Fit Hoop

Smart Weighted Fit Hoop is a SUPER FUN way (just read the reviews) to get your heart rate up, meaning it's absolutely perfect for weight loss! 

Jump Rope With Calorie Counter

Jump roping is an amazing form of cardio, and this jump rope by multifun is extra special because of its built-in calorie counter. 

This post featured the best weight lifting equipment for beginners.

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